Um espaço quinzenal para abraçar o desconforto num labirinto de sentidos. Inquisitório mas sem julgamentos.
Lexi Narovatkin
- Metgumbnerbone – Death, The Archangels of Sex Rule The Destruction of the Regime, Nekrophile Rekords, 1985;
- Mörmoo – temas de Escombros da Alma, Asylum Tenebris, 2021;
- David Prescott – Dialog and Disparity, Generations Unlimited – Dramatic Music Series, 1988;
- Giancarlo Toniutti – Contrepèterie Structurelle, L’Appendino (1849), menstrualrecordings, 2019;
- Jihad Rural – V, Sombre Rituel Productions, 2021;
- Névrose – Cold Chamber, Tribute to Marco Corbelli, Asylum Tenebris, 2021;
- F.N.T.C. – Opera, Staaltape, 1987;
- Giancarlo Toniutti – Tienalauami, Tahta Tarla com Andrew Chalk, Pans’urlo Panseri, 1993;
- Fome Bruta – Urban Cosmology, Intimacy of Violence, 2021;
- Rudolf Eb.Er – Necro Orgia, deathbed tapes, 2021;
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